Custom Event Maps

My specialty is high-res event maps. Are you holding an Open Studio, Porchfest, Brewery Tour, or similar multi-location event? If you are looking for something that's a step above Google Maps — that exudes the polish of your event — look no further. I can create a base map for your in-house designer to run with, or take it to the finish line for you.

Perfect for events of all sizes, even destination weddings. Provide your guests an overview of your venues to help them get their bearings before they arrive. Pro Tip: Include a QR code to Google Maps for real-time directions on the road.


Whether you're talking hi-res print cartography or custom transit-system designs, I live and breathe maps. My aesthetic often bleeds over into information design.

Web & Software Development

From online-mapping systems to general-purpose programming, I can tie all the pieces together for a rich interactive experience. React, Vue, Ruby, PHP, Java, C ...and more!

NEW - Transit Guidance System

At the annual Somerville Open Studios, staff members were spending a significant amount of time managing the 3 event trolleys that loop around the city. As the day went on, trolleys would "clump together", leading to empty trolleys and longer wait times. Now they have an automated system that sends drivers alerts as they round a checkpoint, instructing them to leave, wait, speed up, slow down...


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